Agenda de la recherche

L’économie sociale comme réponse à la crise ? Capitalisme, territoires et démocratie, Montréal (Québec), 24/02/2015

Le CRISES vous invite à son prochain séminaire présenté par Jean-François Draperi, directeur du Centre d'économie sociale du Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CESTES-Cnam), sur le thème "L'économie sociale comme réponse à la crise ? Capitalisme, territoires et démocratie".

Organizing alternatives to capitalism - Special Issue of M@n@gement - Call for Papers - 30-10-2015

Alternative organizational models have spread over the world in recent years. Some of these organizational models carry new labels, such as social entrepreneurship (Dacin, Dacin and Tracey, 2010), inclusive innovation (George, McGahan and Prabhu, 2012), inclusive business (Halme, Lindeman, and Linna 2012), pirate organizations (Durand & Vergne, 2012), social business (Yunus, Moingean and Lehmann, 2010) and hybrid organizations (Battilana and Dorado, 2010). Others, such as cooperatives (Charterina J., Albizu, and Landeta, 2007), carry a strong heritage of more than a century of experience. In common, they seek to balance social mission with economic performance and strive to find new ways of organizing and influencing social and economic development.

Cooperatives and the World of Work, 10-11 Nov. 2015 - Antalya, Turkey - Call for paper : 15 fev 2015

The International Co-operative Alliance Committee on Cooperative Research (ICA CCR) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) will host a research conference on 10-11 November 2015 in Antalya, Turkey. The conference will bring together researchers, students, practitioners, advocates, policy makers and representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations working in areas of cooperative enterprises and social and solidarity economy organizations, as well as labour research and themes related to the world of work.

Connaissance et Reconnaissance de l'Utilité Sociale et Environnementale en ESS - Lille - 16-12-2014

Le séminaire de restitution du projet Corus ESS (Connaissance et reconnaissance de l’utilité sociale en ESS) se tiendra le 16 décembre 2014 à l'Espace Baïetto, Maison européenne des sciences humaines et sociales (MESHS), 2, rue des Canonniers, 59000 Lille, Métro Gare Lille Flandres.