"Democratising management", Conference Euram, Gallatazaray (Turkey), 26-29th Jun 2013, call for papers until 15th January
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Le comité scientifique du general track Business and Society serait heureux que vous soumettiez des papiers de recherche (rédigés en anglais) à EURAM dans le cadre de cette partie du colloque qu'ils gèrent (voir appel à communications en pièce jointe).
We will welcome especially (but not exclusively) papers on the following topics, on which B&S general track will organize some of its sessions as sub-tracks (please mention it if relevant under the title of your paper):
- Alternative Business Models for sustainable development; Base of the Pyramid; Social Entrepreneurship; Social Economy and Nonprofits Organizations; Fair Trade; Public-Private Partnership... In this sub-track we will try to identify the specificities of innovative or, conversely traditional, alternative models that claim to contribute to sustainable development; the conditions under which they can solve some of the problems they address; the main obstacles they are confronting; the scope and limits they may reach.
- Artistic Practices and Management Models: Critics, aesthetics, creativity and "beauté du geste"; We would like to explore how artistic discourses and symbols are used in management, and, in return, how management influences artistic practices, discourses and representations. There is still a gap on these issues in the literature of management, sociology and art history because art and management are considered as worlds very much apart.
- Health Care Activities through a critical lens; In our modern democracies, the development and the organization of the health care sector constitute a crucial issue for economic, political, demographical and ethical reasons. During the 30 past years, it has been remodeled by the commodification of health care activities. From a critical point of view, this process of commodification does not come without raising profound questions, such as: the uncertain “proletarianization of the health care professions and their demotivation, the counter-effects of the DRG-based resources allocation, the illusions of the sanitarian democracy, the quasi failures of the health care policies on health inequalities, the systematic denigration of aesthetic concerns in health care management.
- Philosophy, philosophy of Science and Organization Studies: influences, connexion and overlaps; We welcome papers interested by the application of the philosophical method to our academic field; thus, possible topics could be: reflections on our epistemological "bad reflexes", critical analysis of our main conceptual categories (Reason, Objectivity, Truth, Method, Fact,), or studies of the articulations between science and techniques.
- Responsible management of Global Value Chains: Cases and Research; Through failures and success analysis, we wish to gather (and debate) research and teaching (when possible, multi media) material dealing with the conditions, methods and actors allowing for the emergence or reinforcement of responsible managerial practices in global value chains.
Mots clés
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